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How do I get my child ready for preschool?

How do I get my child ready for preschool?

Starting preschool is a big step for both parents and children. It can be an exciting time, but it can also be stressful for both parties. There are a few things you can do to prepare your child for this new experience.

Establish a routine

Establishing a routine can help your child feel more secure and prepared for the transition to preschool. Start waking your child up at the same time every day, and establish a regular meal and nap schedule.

The best way to establish a routine is with Easy Daysies visual schedules for kids!

Introduce socialization

If your child hasn't had much interaction with other children, it's important to introduce socialization before they start preschool. Arrange playdates with other children around the same age, or enroll your child in a parent-child class.

child socialization

Talk about preschool

Talk to your child about preschool and what they can expect. Explain what they will do, who they will meet, and what they will learn. You can also read books about preschool to help your child get a better understanding of what to expect.

Visit the preschool

Take your child to visit the preschool before their first day. This can help them get familiar with the environment and feel more comfortable. If possible, arrange a meeting with the teacher and let your child ask any questions they may have.

preschool visit

Practice self-help skills

Preschool requires children to be more independent. Practice self-help skills such as using the bathroom, washing hands, and putting on shoes and jackets. This will help your child feel more confident and prepared.

Label belongings

Label your child's belongings with their name. This will help them identify their things and prevent them from getting lost or mixed up with other children's belongings.

label belongings

Talk to the teacher

Talk to the teacher about your child's needs, interests, and any concerns you may have. This can help the teacher better understand your child and provide a more personalized experience.

Prepare for separation anxiety

Separation anxiety is common among young children starting preschool. Prepare your child for this by practicing leaving them with a trusted caregiver for short periods of time.

separation anxiety

Stay positive

Starting preschool can be emotional for both parents and children, but it's important to stay positive and supportive. Encourage your child to have fun and make new friends, and celebrate their accomplishments.

Be patient

Remember that every child is different and may have different needs when starting preschool. Be patient and supportive, and trust that your child will adjust in their own time.



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