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How To Create The Most Effective Homework Station (and Why)

How To Create The Most Effective Homework Station (and Why)

How to create a homework station

Surveys will show that after school routines are most stressful for families, following the morning routine, because of the dreaded homework battle we all face each night once school kicks into full gear.

However, there does not need to be a homework battle.  How you ask?  The big “O” word — Organization is the key to conquering that homework battle.   As a school teacher for many years I have often been asked how to make homework time less painful.  The answer is easy and three part:

1) Have an after school routine.

A consistent after school routine or schedule is the key to getting kids to co-operate and become independent.

This is a trick up my sleeve as a school teacher – a visual schedule is reviewed daily to remind children the expectations and used as a gentle (nag-free) reminder of what to do next.  When kids can predict what is happening next there is less anxiety, and fewer “melt-downs” and tantrums. This is why I created Easy Daysies – to help families create daily routines, AND make them work!

You can shop for Easy Daysies here – the Every Day Starter Kit is enough to start building your after-school routine. You can also use the Family & Extra-Curriculars and Chores & Special Times Add-On Packs to add in after-school activities and chores as well)

2) Have an effective homework station.

Below, I will tell you three BIG reasons why you need to create a homework station and then I will show you how as well!

3) Be a supportive parent.

Kids whose parents show interest in their studies do better academically and are less likely to drop out of school. Positive interest of course!

I am excited and thrilled that we got to partner with Staples to pick up all the pieces we needed to create the most effective Homework Station for your Family!  Staples is a great one stop shop for family and business!

How to create a homework station

Here is how to create the most effective homework station for any family that will work whether you are on a budget, or have one child or three like I do!

But first, why would you want to create the most effective homework station in your house?   3 Big reasons….

1) Reducing after school chaos, stress and anxiety.

When you create one-stop station where all the supplies your child needs is readily available, there are less arguments and more productivity! One in 4 school aged children are dealing with issues of anxiety – so let’s help them!

(Just think about it.  When you create a one-stop station where all necessary supplies are readily available, there is no time spent wasted on looking for a pencil or a glue stick, wandering around the house and then getting distracted by the TV, toys, or the refrigerator!  I think us adults may recognize those symptoms.)

2) Establishing good life habits.

Establishing good homework habits starts as early as preschool.  Whether your child is in preschool or grade 8, homework habits start right when your child gets home! Good homework habits are good work habits, which is a top life skill.

3) Taking An Interest in our Kids!

As mentioned above, many studies will show that taking an interest in your child’s school work actually helps them want to do better in school and they will do better!


How to create a homework station

OK, now we know why we’re doing it – let’s get building!

There are basically 5 parts to creating the most effective homework station:

1) The “Visual Schedule”

Showing the consistent after school routine

2) The “IN BOX”

Where all the lovely paperwork, notices and homework get emptied from backpacks to clip boards.

3) The “Supply Station”

Your one-stop got-it-all station to eliminate procrastination, time-wasting and distractions.

4) The “FILE IT BOX”

For the work that is done and returned and needs to be stored at home.

5) The “OUT BOX”

Homework that is completed and planners that have been signed can go in here ready to go into backpacks to be returned to school!

Below is a quick video that shows me assembling a homework station to see how fun it was to put this all together from shopping trip to completion!


Video – How To Create the Most Effective Homework Station

Exact List Of What To Use In Your Homework Station

One last bonus, below is a link to a complete, detailed list of what to buy (or check that you already have) in order to make up this exact homework station!

Thank you so much for joining me!
Warmest smiles,
Easy Daysies

The post How To Create The Most Effective Homework Station (and Why) appeared first on Easy Daysies - Magnetic Schedules for Families.

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